Friday, March 27, 2009

Tagged (Pappa Lax)

1. Babe Ruth - the great bambino
2. Elvis - the king
3. Billie Graham - tv?
4. King Ahab - no clue
5. Peter - headstrong
6. Paul - Barnabus
7. George W. Bush - Former presedent
8. Ronald Reagan - actor
9. Joseph Smith - LDS
10. George Washington - Cherry tree
11. Barack Obama - O Whater?
12. Benedict Arnold - Breakfast with the govenator
13. Tiger Woods - Golf and gatorade
14. Elizabeth Taylor - actress
15. Bill O’Rielly - Sounds Irish
16. Thomas S Monson - I dont know a lot of these
17. Pontius Pilot - "washed his hands" or atleast tried
18. Mike Huckabee -??
19. Albert Einstein - smarty pants
20. Dale Denton - pinapple express

baby playin


just a few up to date pictures of the puppies

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Puppies on Feb. 5, 2009

This is the puppies just a few hours old, (bottom) with Lillie Kins, the momma. And thats my (Dale) hand holding the puppy on the left to show you how small they really are.(top)

Hello all!

I'll start by introducing the Bad Dogs. Heres Lillie Kins on the left and Riot on the right. They are very tired after a long day of wearing out their masters.