Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Puppies on Feb. 5, 2009

This is the puppies just a few hours old, (bottom) with Lillie Kins, the momma. And thats my (Dale) hand holding the puppy on the left to show you how small they really are.(top)


  1. you have a blog!
    yes, it's legal to have an eagle if you a permit or something...i don't know, but leave it to you to ask me that question. i'm sure it was all on the up and up.

  2. We have sold all but one, if your interested you can have her, we'll even drive her out to you. :)

  3. is this the right blog or is there another?

  4. Thanks for the offer; however, you are welcome to come visit us.
    Perhaps I can find a porcelin dog.
